Well, well: the Dion Effect in Québec !!!
Bloc Québécois: 37% (-2);
Liberals: 35% (+9);
Tories: 17% (-3);
NDP: 6% (-4).
Everyone went down - Except for us grits of course (+9)!!!!
Of course, there's always a Convention Bump (aka the Honeymoon). Still, the naysayers, the pundits and the self-proclaimed nationalist intelligentsia might want to revise their position. That's right, they're the ones who claimed that Stéphane Dion did not stand a chance in hell of winning the grit convention. They were proven wrong.
Only Yesterday, Bernard-he-of-the-red-rag-Landry declared that Dion's victory was a great step towards separation! He will be proven wrong as well!
For the first time over 2 years, the Liberal Party of Canada gets 35% here in Québec.
That TVA journalist, Paul Larocque, calls it L'Effet DION. My old Mom said "it's only a start!"
Wag on,